Sunday 3 January 2016

Things I've Learnt In 2015

things ive learnt in 2015
First off Happy New Year lovelies! 2015 in a nutshell has been a roller coaster of emotions and a start to a new chapter: I graduated from university, hit 3000 followers on BL and still have no sign of grey hairs due to stress! 2016 has just happened and this is essentially the year I start exploring new things and try not to stress out as much as last year. I decided to create a post on everything I have learnt in 2015 that I thought was worth sharing and worth looking back on when necessary!

I've learnt...

Life Is Just Too Short | Bit of a cliché saying but last year I was at my peak for stressing, I am seriously wondering when the grey hairs will come through. I stressed pretty much the whole way through my final year at university, finding a job, having a job I didn't like and just general little day-to-day problems. I have took all that anxiety and stress as a positive and decided to try and keep as calm and stress-free as possible. I am still in the festive spirit and doing things that make me happy and stress-free, such as colouring in (love the Harry Potter book!), watching films and spending more time with family and less on my laptop. 

Just Have a Little Patience | When I graduated I underestimated how difficult it would be to find a job. I had the CV updated, experience and an online page, but it was no luck. I would spend hours a day filling out application forms and applying online for a job. Eventually, I got one but within a month I hated it and decided to quit, leaving me back to square one. I quickly started to realize that finding a job itself is an actual job that would take a while to complete. I am now in a job and have been for a few months now but, being out of a job for 2-3 months or so has taught me that things take time and to not panic or put or blame yourself.

To Live In The Moment | I feel like these lessons are getting cringe-ier by the minute but, another lesson I have learnt in 2015 is to live in the moment and not to worry about the past (as that has already happened) or the future. When I was at university all I could think about is where will I be afterwards and what job would I have, it made me so stressed. I have learnt since then to just be happy and live now rather than worry. 

Netflix Really Is A Best Friend | Ohh where would I be without my Netflix subscription. This little beauty has been there for me throughout 2015, I have managed to start and finish Pretty Little Liars and Once Upon a Time. I used to always have something on Netflix when I was doing my final project at university and once I graduated I got through quite a lot of TV box sets. Netflix is always there no matter what the situation is! Can always rely on it for anything.

Money Isn't Everything | Since I was out of a job I had to keep back a lot of my student loan and start chipping into my savings until I found one. I spent most of my summer going on walks, to markets and to the beach - basically anything that wouldn't cost me money. I managed to budget my money really well and quickly realized you don't always need to go places or buy things that cost money. But of course a new piece of clothing or a takeaway is always a good idea...right?

What have you learnt in 2015??


  1. This is such A lovely post! 2015 definitely taught me that if something or someone is making a negative impact on your life then cut them out, and you'll feel much better once you do. x


    1. Aw that's a good one, I don't listen to negative people

      Katie ♥

  2. This was lovely and a good reflection and things to leeRn. Hope you have a lovely 2016!

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  3. Such a lovely post girl! Money isn't everything, I have learnt that. Now I know how to save like a pro I can do more in the year!
    Happy New Year!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

    1. Thanks Stacey and Happy New Year to you too! Oh that is a good one! I agree with you on it

      Katie ♥

  4. This post in really inspiring, life is definately too short, maybe one thing i need to work on is having more patience, I really enjoyed reading this x

    Zoe Mountford x

    1. Thanks Zoe glad you liked the post. And good luck with yours!

      Katie ♥

  5. Great post ! Me too last year have been a stressful and a sad year for many reasons : lost my sister, lost my job, family issues etc.. but I feel good about 2016 and I don't to stress as much etc like you as 'life is indeed too short' . we shall

    1. Thank you :) And that sounds like a bad year for you I do hope you find a way to be happy again! Don't worry about loosing your job you'll find another one, take the freedom as a way to relax!

      Katie ♥

  6. Couldn't agree more about life being too short and living in the moment. We recently as a family found out that a family member has Motor Neurone disease and it's really changed my outlook on life. Live every day as if its your last as you really never know what's around the corner.

    Isabelle | ♡

    1. Aw I am sorry to hear that news, I do hope you are okay. But you are right you don't know what is around the corner that's why life should never be took for granted

      Katie ♥

  7. Great post! I totally empathise won't you about stress, finding a job after uni and Netflix becoming a best friend :) happy new year and I hope 2016 is amazing for you!

    Chrissy x

    1. Also where is your diary from? I'm on the hunt for a cute one just like this x

    2. Aw I am glad you agree I started to think I was the only one who loved Netflix that much haha. And same to you lovely!

      Katie ♥

    3. This one was from either Card Factory or Clintons :)

  8. I've also learnt about the love for Netflix haha xx


    1. It just seems to always be there for us!

      Katie ♥

  9. yes to this - just written a v similar post actually up soon on my blog. (i love netflix ) x

  10. Such a lovely post, life is too short and I think thats something I will always stand by - I wish you the best for 2016!

    Lucy |

    1. Thanks Lucy! And I hope you have a good year too

      Katie ♥

  11. I love the life is to short and netflix is a friend! I so agree on those two. Love this post, and happy new year!

    1. Glad you liked them! And same goes to you :)

      Katie ♥

  12. yes living in the moment, so true and important!

  13. Living in the Moment - something I too need to think about doing more. I'm 100% an over thinker, always thinking about the past, what I did wrong and looking into the future thinking 'what if'. I agree with you its stresses you out to no extent! To live in the moment has to be the best way to live especial for your health too!

    Charlie from Lotties Thoughts xx

    1. It can be quite difficult to do at times though! I worry about what happens in the future more than the past

      Katie ♥

  14. This is such a lovely post! :-)
    All the best for the new year Katie! x

    Melanie | Lilies Beauty

  15. Great post!! Living in the moment is something I should learn to do as well :) xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal

    1. Glad you liked the post lovely and good luck :)

      Katie ♥

  16. Netflix is amazing I have to say ... defo a money saver too (or the subscription pays for itself I should say) Such a great post! I also learn you don't need to go far to enjoy yourself and we have plenty of places around here to explore that don't require money ... well just fuel :)

    John ¦ Shout John

    1. I agree! Lets hope the price doesn't change. Thank you glad you liked the post and I agree with the money one!

      Katie ♥



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