Sunday 1 May 2016

My 6 Overnight Beauty Tips

Overnight Beauty Tips
I am always on the lookout for ways to perk up my skin, body and hair that'll not take up a great deal of my time - there is still hope for me to get an extra hour in bed. There has been a couple of nifty tips I've discovered over the past couple of months that have saved me so much time in the morning and have made a massive difference to my appearance!

These are my overnight beauty tips that will change your life, literally.

The Greasy Hair Solution - If tomorrow is hat day then this tricks for you. Did you know if you spray your roots with dry shampoo before bed and leave it overnight your hair will of absorbed all the oils so you are ready to go! Does this mean more time in bed? I think so.

The Lazy Girl Hair Solution - If like myself, you don't have time to deal with long tangled locks in the morning then I have a solution. Since summer season is not that far off which means wavy hair, why not damp your ends of hair the night before and create two little pigtails. The next morning undo them, run your fingers through it and you're ready!

The Sore Feet Solution - You've been on your feet all day or in my case you're trying to wear in your gorgeous new shoes. If you have sore feet and know they're going to be worse tomorrow, try rubbing Vaseline on your feet and cover them with socks overnight. Your feet will feel so soft the next day!

The Split End Solution - Coconut Oil is amazing for treating split or frizzy ends. If you are washing your hair tomorrow morning why not apply a small amount of Coconut Oil onto the ends of your hair and the next morning once washed your hair will not only be frizz-free but have a lovely healthy shine!

The Problematic Skin Solution - I love overnight face masks they literally save so much time and give you amazing results. Once you have prepped your skin before bed, apply an overnight mask and let the mask do its magic. You will wake up looking fresh and ready to conquer the day.

The Dark Circle Solution - Something I've recently noticed that makes a difference on my eye area is sleeping masks. Once I have prepped my eyes with cream I will then go ahead and put a silk eye mask on. Once I wake up my eyes look incredibly fresh and as though I have had a decent nights sleep, which means less concealer!

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What overnight beauty tips do you recommend??


  1. These tips sound great! x I might actually try one or two of these tonight hahah

    Melanie | Lilies Beauty - A Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Glad you liked them and lemme know how you get on!

      Katie ♥

  2. Replies
    1. I agree, always have to have a tub of it in my house!

      Katie ♥

  3. Lovely tips. My skin has been a little crazy lately, definitely going to try out a overnight face mask :-) x

    Makeup, Beauty & Fashion

    1. I love overnight masks they are just amazing!

      Katie ♥

  4. Love the tips, thanks for sharing!! Kerrie xx

  5. I love this idea for a post...I have also never tried an overnight face mask.. I think I will have to pick on up! Also... the tired eye trick sounds a treat!! I will definitely try it because I get SUCH puffy/dark eyes! Fab post lovely!


    1. They definitely work and are perfect for saving time!

      Katie ♥

  6. I've not thought about the dry shampoo trick - definitely one to try if it means more time in bed!

    Lucy | Forever September

  7. Might give some of these tips a try - Thanks!

    Leanne |

    1. You are welcome, let me know how you get on

      Katie ♥

  8. These tips are great! I always do the old foot cream and socks trick when I start to get dry, irritated skin on my feet.

    Em | beautyandbullshitt x

    1. I just hate having dry feet so I always make sure to do this once a week

      Katie ♥

  9. These tips are all so useful, I love all the products in that picture xx

  10. i think i might have to try the dry shampoo idea! xx

  11. I've never tried the dry shampoo tip, definitely going to now! I also love coconut oil for my hair, I do a mask at least once a week since my hair is so dry and damaged from going blonde. I'm going to try a sleeping mask as well, I think it could help me not rub my eyes when I sleep (idk why I do that) since it's quite bad for the eyes.

    1. Let me know if it works! Overnight masks are brilliant for saving time I think and definitely try the silk sleep masks!

      Katie ♥

  12. I've currently got coconut oil on my ends right now haha! It is definitely a lifesaver, I've never tried overnight masks so I'm rather intrigued, do you have any recommended brands? x

    1. Such an amazing product for everything! Origins do some great overnight face masks and hair masks I like to use overnight are by the brand Grow Gorgeous :)

      Katie ♥

  13. Great tips, I never thought about some of these before!!


  14. I might try that thank you!

    Katie ♥



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