Wednesday 14 October 2015

Ways to Drive Traffic to Old Blog Posts

Ways to Drive Traffic to Old Blog Posts
Remember that blog post you spent so much time creating that got so many wonderful responses? If you are a continuous blogger the chances are those posts have perhaps been pushed aside and forgotten about overtime, almost like we are saying RIP to them all.

I think it's important to not only drive traffic to your fresh, newly content but back to those old posts that you really enjoyed publishing too. This is a cooperative way to increase page views, SEO and potentially new readers. I have recently been trying new methods to boost my recognition and traffic on old blog posts which believe it or not have somewhat made a difference.

Link Familiar Posts In New Content | If you are writing your monthly favourites link last months favourites (or even last years!), an ootd link an ootd with similar accessories, any tips on blogging link other tips see a pattern here? I have an example here at the bottom of this post I linked a couple of oldish posts relevant to the content. This method is my favourite and takes no time or effort whatsoever. Plus makes your blog look more professional and busy.

Up Your Social Media Skills | There is absolutely nothing wrong with copy and pasting an URL from an old post and tweeting about it. I have done this with my university advice posts and I will continue to do so. I know a lot of students are getting ready to start or go back into education therefore now is the perfect time for me to up my social media on my student advice posts to get a little bit of traffic as well as helping others. Best of both worlds ey?

Tweak Those Old Posts | Maybe at the time you thought it was quirky to have song lyrics as your blog post titles. A good way to get those posts noticed is to simplify them down to basics. If your post title reads 'digging the dancing queen' or something simply change it so something a lot safer and easy 'July favourites' or 'Primark ootd' etc. Make them straight to the point as the end of the day people won't search for a blog post with lyrics in. Also, you could go back to old posts and just change a few words and add keywords to up your trend and get them more noticed on Google. All of these will automatically update your BL accounts (if you have one) and be displayed at the top of your archive so readers will see them at first glance too.

Include A 'Popular Posts' Widget | I have had this from the word go and I must admit it 100% helps with traffic. I am forever seeing oldish posts getting popular views and even comments which is a bonus really. I used to think this was simply robotic, spams just constantly stalking my posts but that wasn't always the case. I still get comments not only on those posts but readers will directly tweet me about a post I've previously published which is such a lovely feeling.

I hope these simple steps helped you with your blog traffic!

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Do you have any tips on driving traffic to old blog posts??


  1. These are such useful tips! I think I'll try adding a popular posts widget to my blog.

    1. I am sure it will help make a bit difference as I am forever looking at others :)

      Katie ♥

  2. Great tips, I sometimes feel like my older post are forgot about.

    1. I know it is always such a sad moment especially when you put a lot of time into it!

      Katie ♥

  3. These are great tips! I definitely like linking relevant posts from the past into my new ones when it works.

    xo, Liz

    1. I can't believe I didn't think to do this from the start!

      Katie ♥

  4. Fantastic post, I haven't thought about tweaking my posts before but that's a really good idea too, thanks!!
    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

    1. Thanks Hannah, its a nice refreshment to your blog too

      Katie ♥

  5. I really need to start promoting older posts on Twitter, it's such a good tip! Love this post :)

    Claire | | xx

    1. Thanks lovely! I always like to use Twitter as a good resource!

      Katie ♥

  6. these are great tips! Thanks for sharing

  7. Great tips! I'm going to try some of these. I always seem to forget about old posts.


    1. I know me too, its always nice to look back and see what you wrote then too

      Katie ♥

  8. Great tips the popular posts on the side bar have really helped with more views.


    1. Mine too, it's crazy how something like that can help!

      Katie ♥

  9. Oooh yes these tips are great! I probably really super need to go and update old posts to link to newer posts ahah

    Fii | little miss fii

    1. I totally looked over all my old posts was so embarrassing what I was typing!

      Katie ♥

  10. Bringing old blog posts back to live can be challenging but if you remember to share them and change them a little it can be possible:)

  11. Such great tips! I really enjoy your blogging tips, I always have tabs open with them aall the time! xD They have helped me so much xx

    elizabeth | ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | bloglovin follow for follow

    1. aw thanks lovely that is so nice of you to say!

      Katie ♥

  12. Oh thanks for this advice! Sometimes we spend so much time and care with a post and then it doesn't have enough views. This will totally help.

    1. You are welcome, I know it's nice to refresh your posts

      Katie ♥

  13. Really great ideas, thanks for these. Shared on Twitter :-)

    1. you are welcome and I saw thank you for the mention :)

      Katie ♥

  14. Fab tips! I have a little widget just below my posts which are other 'suggested posts you may like' which is really helpful for driving traffic to old blog posts :) x

    Everything But The Kitchen Sink

    1. Oh I had considered doing this widget! they are so helpful and effective

      Katie ♥

  15. Fab post, this is something I've been trying to do myself more recently. Especially sharing old posts on Twitter and Pinterest xx

    Alice Anne // Annie Writes Beauty

  16. Glad you found them useful lovely!

    Katie ♥

  17. What a brilliant post! Really enjoyed reading it :)

    Lillies and Lipbalm

  18. This is so helpful, I'm definitely going to re-promote older posts. Strangely one of my oldest posts is my most read, it's eternally at the top of my popular posts widget xx

    1. I am glad you found it useful and good luck lovely!

      Katie ♥

  19. Great tips! Thank you sharing. I'm currently trying to improve my old blog posts by rewriting them or updating the photos as some of my old photos were terrible!



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